# usermod -a -G libvirt test # Make user "test" part of the existing libvirt group to allow it to interact with the guest-hypervisor. # It won't work with initial-setup
dracut --add-drivers "vfio vfio-pci vfio_iommu_type1 vfio_virqfd" --force # Instruct dracut to load the vfio drivers:
mkdir /var/lib/libvirt/iso # Create a directory to store iso images
chown test:test /var/lib/libvirt/iso # Make the user "test" the owner of this directory
virsh pool-create-as --name iso --type dir --target /var/lib/libvirt/iso # Make libvirt aware of this new directory by creating a so-called `pool` within this directory
mkdir /var/lib/libvirt/rom # Create a directory to store rom files
chown test:test /var/lib/libvirt/rom # Make the user "test" its owner
virsh pool-create-as --name rom --type dir --target /var/lib/libvirt/rom # Make libvirt aware of this new directory by creating a so-called `pool` within this directory
chown test:test /var/lib/libvirt/images # Make the user "test" the owner of this directory
nmcli con add ifname br0 type bridge con-name br0 # Add a network bridge
nmcli con add type bridge-slave ifname enp1s0 master br0