# __ ____ ____ _____ # ____ / /_ __ __/ / /___ ____ ___ ___ / __ \/ ___/ # / __ \/ __ \/ / / / / / __ \/ __ `__ \/ _ \ / / / /\__ \ # / /_/ / / / / /_/ / / / /_/ / / / / / / __/ / /_/ /___/ / # / .___/_/ /_/\__, /_/_/\____/_/ /_/ /_/\___/ \____//____/ # /_/ /____/ # # What ? This kickstart file provides a base system based on Fedora 34 server. # 'b' for basic building block, 'm' for minimal, 'd' for development only. # Know bug: Cannot resolve host name # ATTENTION : this kickstart file will automatically DESTROY the main virtual disk 'vda' and all of its contents. # Bye bye! text # Perform installation in text mode repo --name=fedora --mirrorlist=https://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=fedora-$releasever&arch=$basearch # Official Fedora mirror repo --name=updates --mirrorlist=https://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=updates-released-f$releasever&arch=$basearch # Official Fedora updates mirror # #repo --name=updates-testing --mirrorlist=https://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=updates-testing-f$releasever&arch=$basearch url --mirrorlist=https://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=fedora-$releasever&arch=$basearch # Official Fedora updates mirror keyboard --xlayouts='ch (fr)' # set keyboard layouts for Romandie # Unnecessary if using inital-setup lang en_US.UTF-8 # Set system language to American English # Unnecessary if using inital-setup timezone Europe/Paris --utc # Set System timezone to Paris # Unnecessary if using inital-setup # Set dummy encrypted root password and activate the root account rootpw --iscrypted $6$2rA58L/SQu5.xMTb$u8.zqBWE5bK1/N983qDpJEp41yg66GwQ3YVTpsRghVhNiZypWyo2Zq2Qwr2tCM3bt50mKMIgHzbPdtSq9ErPz. # rootpw --lock --iscrypted locked # Lock the root account # Create "test" user account # Unnecessary if using inital-setup user --name=test --password=$6$wlB.n8fvumAXv3xn$clVIswjLUjb7MZoJ2JHi1zk1zmx5ViQuzbVkLYf70SDan5hdqI0tUkc89nHE8pVnHStO4mcl3c1Tk0WJvCet1. --iscrypted --gecos="test" firewall --enabled # Make sure the firewall is enabled services --enabled=NetworkManager --disabled=sshd network --onboot=yes --bootproto=dhcp --device=link --activate --hostname=phyllome # Configure network interfaces and set hostname # ignoredisk --only-use=vda # Only use disk labelled as vda zerombr # WARNING : Dangerous command ! Will clear the Master Boot Record clearpart --all --initlabel # --drives=vda # Partition clearing information. This setup uses GPT by default. part /boot/efi --fstype="efi" --size=128 --fsoptions="umask=0077,shortname=winnt" --label=efi # Will create an efi partitition of 128 MiB (vda1) part /boot --fstype="ext4" --size=384 --label=boot # Create a boot partition of 384 MiB using the ext4 filesystem (vda2). part / --fstype="ext4" --grow --label=root # The remaining space will be used for root (vda3). bootloader --timeout=1 # Set the Grub bootloader timeout to 1 reboot --kexec # Reboot straight inot the system after a successfull installation # firstboot --enable # Initial Setup will start after the first reboot %packages --exclude-weakdeps # Beginning of the packages section. Do not include weak dependencies. @core # minimal installation pciutils # Pciutils provides lspci commandline tool and is not installed by default # initial-setup # Install the initial setup package. For the GUI version, use initial-setup-gui instead. qemu-guest-agent # "QEMU guest agent" spice-vdagent # "Agent for Spice guests" -fedora-logos # Fedora logos -fedora-release # Fedora release-notes -fedora-release-notes -fedora-release-common # Fedora release files -fedora-release-identity-basic # ??? fedora-remix-logos # Install Fedora remix logos generic-release generic-logos generic-release-common # "Generic release files" generic-release-notes # "Release Notes" %end # End of the packages section %post # Beginning of the post-installation section localectl set-keymap ch-fr # Set keymap to `ch-fr`. Alternatively, `us` can be picked. dnf update -y # Update the system grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg # Update grub otherwise the system won't boot properly # In the %post section of the kickstart file, add the following as the first line: # See : https://www.opensourceforu.com/2010/01/roll-out-a-fedora-remix/ sed -i -e 's/Generic release/LFY Fedora Remix/g' /etc/fedora-release /etc/issue %end # End of the %post section