# __ ____ ____ _____ # ____ / /_ __ __/ / /___ ____ ___ ___ / __ \/ ___/ # / __ \/ __ \/ / / / / / __ \/ __ `__ \/ _ \ / / / /\__ \ # / /_/ / / / / /_/ / / / /_/ / / / / / / __/ / /_/ /___/ / # / .___/_/ /_/\__, /_/_/\____/_/ /_/ /_/\___/ \____//____/ # /_/ /____/ # What ? This Kickstart file bootstraps a minimal headless guest hypervisor optimized for Intel CPUs and Intel Graphics. # 'v' for virtual machine, 'h' for hypervisor', 'i' for intel, 'm' for minimal, 'd' for development only. # USAGE : Press the `tab` or 'e' key during POST and apend that after the 'quiet' string : # inst.ks=https://git.phyllo.me/home/kickstart/raw/branch/master/leaves/vhimd.cfg # ATTENTION : this kickstart file will automatically DESTROY the main virtual disk 'vda' and all of its contents. # Bye bye! %include https://git.phyllo.me/home/kickstart/raw/branch/master/leaves/vhmd.cfg # Includes dhd.cfg, a minimal desktop-oriented nested-host ks file %post # Beginning of %post section # Load kernel modules in grub. Add `intel_iommu=on intel_iommu=pt` for Intel processors, sed -i 's/\(quiet\)/\1 intel_iommu=on iommu=pt rd.driver.pre=vfio-pci i915.enable_gvt=1/i' /etc/default/grub echo "kvmgt" > /etc/modules-load.d/kvmgt.conf # Load specific kernel modules kvmgt and vfio-mdev, for Intel GVT-g and Nvidia echo "vfio-mdev" > /etc/modules-load.d/vfio-mdev.conf # Load specific kernel modules kvmgt and vfio-mdev, for Intel GVT-g and Nvidia dracut --force # Regenerate initramfs grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg # Update grub %end # End of the %post section