# __ ____ ____ _____ # ____ / /_ __ __/ / /___ ____ ___ ___ / __ \/ ___/ # / __ \/ __ \/ / / / / / __ \/ __ `__ \/ _ \ / / / /\__ \ # / /_/ / / / / /_/ / / / /_/ / / / / / / __/ / /_/ /___/ / # / .___/_/ /_/\__, /_/_/\____/_/ /_/ /_/\___/ \____//____/ # /_/ /____/ # What ? This kickstart file provides a basic block to build a minimal, gnome-shell based (desktop-oriented), operating system. # 'b' for basic building block, 'd' for desktop, 'm' for minimal, 'd' for development only. xconfig --startxonboot --defaultdesktop=GNOME # Start GNOME on boot. Although says --startx, it works as well with Wayland. %packages --exclude-weakdeps # Beginning of the packages section. Excludes weak package dependencies dejavu-sans-mono-fonts # the gnome-shell package doesn't include much fonts by default, resulting in weird spacings in the gnome-terminal. elementary-wallpapers-gnome.noarch # Gorgeous wallpapers wpa_supplicant # WPA Supplicant for Linux. Not integrated by default in gnome-shell, but necessary to configure wireless networks through the Network Manager. gnome-shell # the GNOME-3 desktop environment, without any presintalled applications gnome-terminal # add the default terminal for gnome-shelle -gnome-tour # We don't want GNOME-tour to open at launch so we delete it nano # Minimal GNOME shell or desktop environment plus the nano text editor virt-manager # install virt-manager to interact with remote or local hypervisors, without including KVM/QEMU %end # %post --nochroot --log=/mnt/sysimage/root/bdmd.log # Beginning of %post section. Those commands are executed outside the chroot environment # # %end # End of the %post section