# Generated by pykickstart v3.47 #version=DEVEL # Firewall configuration firewall --enabled --service=mdns # Keyboard layouts keyboard --xlayouts='ch (fr)' # System language lang en_US.UTF-8 # Network information network --bootproto=dhcp --device=link --activate # Shutdown after installation shutdown repo --name="fedora" --mirrorlist=https://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=fedora-$releasever&arch=$basearch repo --name="updates" --mirrorlist=https://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=updates-released-f$releasever&arch=$basearch # Root password rootpw --iscrypted --lock locked # SELinux configuration selinux --enforcing # System services services --enabled="NetworkManager,libvirtd" # System timezone timezone Europe/Paris --utc # Use network installation url --mirrorlist="https://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=fedora-$releasever&arch=$basearch" # X Window System configuration information xconfig --defaultdesktop=GNOME --startxonboot # System bootloader configuration bootloader --location=none # Clear the Master Boot Record zerombr # Partition clearing information clearpart --all # Disk partitioning information part / --size=5120 %post --logfile=/root/bl.log # FIXME: it'd be better to get this installed from a package cat > /etc/rc.d/init.d/livesys << EOF #!/bin/bash # # live: Init script for live image # # chkconfig: 345 00 99 # description: Init script for live image. ### BEGIN INIT INFO # X-Start-Before: display-manager chronyd ### END INIT INFO . /etc/init.d/functions if ! strstr "\`cat /proc/cmdline\`" rd.live.image || [ "\$1" != "start" ]; then exit 0 fi if [ -e /.liveimg-configured ] ; then configdone=1 fi exists() { which \$1 >/dev/null 2>&1 || return \$* } livedir="LiveOS" for arg in \`cat /proc/cmdline\` ; do if [ "\${arg##rd.live.dir=}" != "\${arg}" ]; then livedir=\${arg##rd.live.dir=} continue fi if [ "\${arg##live_dir=}" != "\${arg}" ]; then livedir=\${arg##live_dir=} fi done # enable swapfile if it exists if ! strstr "\`cat /proc/cmdline\`" noswap && [ -f /run/initramfs/live/\${livedir}/swap.img ] ; then action "Enabling swap file" swapon /run/initramfs/live/\${livedir}/swap.img fi mountPersistentHome() { # support label/uuid if [ "\${homedev##LABEL=}" != "\${homedev}" -o "\${homedev##UUID=}" != "\${homedev}" ]; then homedev=\`/sbin/blkid -o device -t "\$homedev"\` fi # if we're given a file rather than a blockdev, loopback it if [ "\${homedev##mtd}" != "\${homedev}" ]; then # mtd devs don't have a block device but get magic-mounted with -t jffs2 mountopts="-t jffs2" elif [ ! -b "\$homedev" ]; then loopdev=\`losetup -f\` if [ "\${homedev##/run/initramfs/live}" != "\${homedev}" ]; then action "Remounting live store r/w" mount -o remount,rw /run/initramfs/live fi losetup \$loopdev \$homedev homedev=\$loopdev fi # if it's encrypted, we need to unlock it if [ "\$(/sbin/blkid -s TYPE -o value \$homedev 2>/dev/null)" = "crypto_LUKS" ]; then echo echo "Setting up encrypted /home device" plymouth ask-for-password --command="cryptsetup luksOpen \$homedev EncHome" homedev=/dev/mapper/EncHome fi # and finally do the mount mount \$mountopts \$homedev /home # if we have /home under what's passed for persistent home, then # we should make that the real /home. useful for mtd device on olpc if [ -d /home/home ]; then mount --bind /home/home /home ; fi [ -x /sbin/restorecon ] && /sbin/restorecon /home if [ -d /home/liveuser ]; then USERADDARGS="-M" ; fi } findPersistentHome() { for arg in \`cat /proc/cmdline\` ; do if [ "\${arg##persistenthome=}" != "\${arg}" ]; then homedev=\${arg##persistenthome=} fi done } if strstr "\`cat /proc/cmdline\`" persistenthome= ; then findPersistentHome elif [ -e /run/initramfs/live/\${livedir}/home.img ]; then homedev=/run/initramfs/live/\${livedir}/home.img fi # if we have a persistent /home, then we want to go ahead and mount it if ! strstr "\`cat /proc/cmdline\`" nopersistenthome && [ -n "\$homedev" ] ; then action "Mounting persistent /home" mountPersistentHome fi if [ -n "\$configdone" ]; then exit 0 fi # add liveuser user with no passwd action "Adding live user" useradd \$USERADDARGS -c "Live System User" liveuser passwd -d liveuser > /dev/null usermod -aG wheel liveuser > /dev/null # Remove root password lock passwd -d root > /dev/null # turn off firstboot for livecd boots systemctl --no-reload disable firstboot-text.service 2> /dev/null || : systemctl --no-reload disable firstboot-graphical.service 2> /dev/null || : systemctl stop firstboot-text.service 2> /dev/null || : systemctl stop firstboot-graphical.service 2> /dev/null || : # don't use prelink on a running live image sed -i 's/PRELINKING=yes/PRELINKING=no/' /etc/sysconfig/prelink &>/dev/null || : # turn off mdmonitor by default systemctl --no-reload disable mdmonitor.service 2> /dev/null || : systemctl --no-reload disable mdmonitor-takeover.service 2> /dev/null || : systemctl stop mdmonitor.service 2> /dev/null || : systemctl stop mdmonitor-takeover.service 2> /dev/null || : # don't start cron/at as they tend to spawn things which are # disk intensive that are painful on a live image systemctl --no-reload disable crond.service 2> /dev/null || : systemctl --no-reload disable atd.service 2> /dev/null || : systemctl stop crond.service 2> /dev/null || : systemctl stop atd.service 2> /dev/null || : # turn off abrtd on a live image systemctl --no-reload disable abrtd.service 2> /dev/null || : systemctl stop abrtd.service 2> /dev/null || : # Don't sync the system clock when running live (RHBZ #1018162) sed -i 's/rtcsync//' /etc/chrony.conf # Mark things as configured touch /.liveimg-configured # add static hostname to work around xauth bug # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=679486 # the hostname must be something else than 'localhost' # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1370222 hostnamectl set-hostname "localhost-live" EOF # bah, hal starts way too late cat > /etc/rc.d/init.d/livesys-late << EOF #!/bin/bash # # live: Late init script for live image # # chkconfig: 345 99 01 # description: Late init script for live image. . /etc/init.d/functions if ! strstr "\`cat /proc/cmdline\`" rd.live.image || [ "\$1" != "start" ] || [ -e /.liveimg-late-configured ] ; then exit 0 fi exists() { which \$1 >/dev/null 2>&1 || return \$* } touch /.liveimg-late-configured # read some variables out of /proc/cmdline for o in \`cat /proc/cmdline\` ; do case \$o in ks=*) ks="--kickstart=\${o#ks=}" ;; xdriver=*) xdriver="\${o#xdriver=}" ;; esac done # if liveinst or textinst is given, start anaconda if strstr "\`cat /proc/cmdline\`" liveinst ; then plymouth --quit /usr/sbin/liveinst \$ks fi if strstr "\`cat /proc/cmdline\`" textinst ; then plymouth --quit /usr/sbin/liveinst --text \$ks fi # configure X, allowing user to override xdriver if [ -n "\$xdriver" ]; then cat > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-xdriver.conf <> /etc/fstab << EOF vartmp /var/tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0 EOF # work around for poor key import UI in PackageKit rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db* echo "Packages within this LiveCD" rpm -qa --qf '%{size}\t%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}\n' |sort -rn # Note that running rpm recreates the rpm db files which aren't needed or wanted rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db* # go ahead and pre-make the man -k cache (#455968) /usr/bin/mandb # make sure there aren't core files lying around rm -f /core* # remove random seed, the newly installed instance should make it's own rm -f /var/lib/systemd/random-seed # convince readahead not to collect # FIXME: for systemd echo 'File created by kickstart. See systemd-update-done.service(8).' \ | tee /etc/.updated >/var/.updated # Drop the rescue kernel and initramfs, we don't need them on the live media itself. # See bug 1317709 rm -f /boot/*-rescue* # Disable network service here, as doing it in the services line # fails due to RHBZ #1369794 /sbin/chkconfig network off # Remove machine-id on pre generated images rm -f /etc/machine-id touch /etc/machine-id %end %post --nochroot --logfile=/mnt/sysimage/opt/base-live.log # For livecd-creator builds only (lorax/livemedia-creator handles this directly) if [ -n "$LIVE_ROOT" ]; then cp "$INSTALL_ROOT"/usr/share/licenses/*-release-common/* "$LIVE_ROOT/" # only installed on x86, x86_64 if [ -f /usr/bin/livecd-iso-to-disk ]; then mkdir -p "$LIVE_ROOT/LiveOS" cp /usr/bin/livecd-iso-to-disk "$LIVE_ROOT/LiveOS" fi fi %end %post --nochroot --logfile=/mnt/sysimage/opt/base-desktop-gnome.log cat >> /mnt/sysimage/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.background.gschema.override<< EOF [org.gnome.desktop.background] picture-uri='file:///usr/share/backgrounds/elementary/Morskie Oko.jpg' EOF cat >> /mnt/sysimage/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.media-handling.gschema.override<< EOF [org.gnome.desktop.media-handling] automount-open=false autorun-never=true EOF cat >> /mnt/sysimage/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.Terminal.gschema.override<< EOF [org.gnome.Terminal.Legacy.Profile] font='DejaVu Sans Mono 12' use-system-font=false audible-bell=false EOF cat >> /mnt/sysimage/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences.gschema.override<< EOF [org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences] button-layout=':minimize,maximize,close' EOF cat >> /mnt/sysimage/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.a11y.gschema.override<< EOF [org.gnome.desktop.a11y] always-show-universal-access-status=true EOF cat >> /mnt/sysimage/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.interface.gschema.override<< EOF [org.gnome.desktop.interface] enable-animations=false EOF cat >> /mnt/sysimage/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.privacy.gschema.override<< EOF [org.gnome.desktop.privacy] remove-old-temp-files=true remember-recent-files=false remember-app-usage=false disable-camera=true disable-microphone=true disable-sound-output=true EOF cat >> /mnt/sysimage/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.search-providers.gschema.override<< EOF [org.gnome.desktop.search-providers] disable-external=true EOF cat >> /mnt/sysimage/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.notifications.gschema.override<< EOF [org.gnome.desktop.notifications.application] enable-sound-alerts=false EOF cat >> /mnt/sysimage/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.sound.gschema.override<< EOF [org.gnome.desktop.sound] event-sounds=false EOF cat >> /mnt/sysimage/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.thumbnailers.gschema.override<< EOF [org.gnome.desktop.thumbnailers] disable-all=true EOF glib-compile-schemas /mnt/sysimage/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/ %end %post --nochroot --logfile=/mnt/sysimage/opt/base-desktop-gnome-virtual-machine-manager.log # Create a file to autostart virt-manager cat > /mnt/sysimage/etc/xdg/autostart/virt-manager.desktop << EOF [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=Virtual Machine Manager Exec=virt-manager EOF # Modify the default virt-manager behavior for misc. options cat >> /mnt/sysimage/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.virt-manager.virt-manager.gschema.override<< EOF # Modify the default virt-manager behavior for misc. options [org.virt-manager.virt-manager] xmleditor-enabled=true manager-window-height=600 manager-window-width=200 # Libvirt URIs listed in the manager window [org.virt-manager.virt-manager.connections] uris=['qemu:///system', 'qemu:///session'] autoconnect=['qemu:///session'] # Show usage in the domain list [org.virt-manager.virt-manager.vmlist-fields] cpu-usage=false # Settings related to statistics [org.virt-manager.virt-manager.stats] update-interval=3 enable-disk-poll=true enable-memory-poll=true enable-net-poll=true # Default behavior for the console [org.virt-manager.virt-manager.console] scaling=2 resize-guest=1 autoconnect=false # Do not show toolbar [org.virt-manager.virt-manager.details] show-toolbar=false # Modify default values for new VMs [org.virt-manager.virt-manager.new-vm] storage-format='raw' cpu-default='host-model' graphics-type='spice' # Modify the default virt-manager behavior for confirmation dialogues [org.virt-manager.virt-manager.confirm] forcepoweroff=false removedev=false unapplied-dev=false EOF glib-compile-schemas /mnt/sysimage/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/ %end %post --logfile=/opt/live-desktop-quirks.log cat >> /etc/rc.d/init.d/livesys << EOF # set up auto-login cat > /etc/gdm/custom.conf << FOE [daemon] AutomaticLoginEnable=True AutomaticLogin=liveuser FOE # Make sure to set the right permissions and selinux contexts chown -R liveuser:liveuser /home/liveuser/ restorecon -R /home/liveuser/ EOF %end %post --nochroot --logfile=/mnt/sysimage/opt/base-hypervisor.log # Load kernel modules by adding vfio, vfio_pci, vfio_iommu_type1, vfio_virqfd echo "vfio" > /mnt/sysimage/etc/modules-load.d/vfio.conf echo "vfio-pci" > /mnt/sysimage/etc/modules-load.d/vfio-pci.conf echo "vfio_iommu_type1" > /mnt/sysimage/etc/modules-load.d/vfio_iommu_type1.conf echo "vfio_virqfd" > /mnt/sysimage/etc/modules-load.d/vfio_virqfd.conf mkdir /mnt/sysimage/var/lib/libvirt/iso # Create a directory to store iso images wget https://boot.netboot.xyz/ipxe/netboot.xyz.iso -P /mnt/sysimage/var/lib/libvirt/iso/ # fetch netboot.xyz iso and store it to the newly created iso directory # fetch custom script and make it executable wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PhyllomeOS/phyllomeos/main/post-first-startup-scripts/create-generic-vm-virtio-spice.sh -P /mnt/sysimage/usr/local/bin/ chmod +x /mnt/sysimage/usr/local/bin/create-generic-vm-virtio-spice.sh # fetch custom script and make it executable wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PhyllomeOS/phyllomeos/main/post-first-startup-scripts/deploy-minimal-server.sh -P /mnt/sysimage/usr/local/bin/ chmod +x /mnt/sysimage/usr/local/bin/deploy-minimal-server.sh # fetch custom script and make it executable wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PhyllomeOS/phyllomeos/main/post-first-startup-scripts/deploy-minimal-workstation.sh -P /mnt/sysimage/usr/local/bin/ chmod +x /mnt/sysimage/usr/local/bin/deploy-minimal-workstation.sh # fetch custom script and make it executable wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PhyllomeOS/phyllomeos/main/post-first-startup-scripts/deploy-phyllome-desktop.sh -P /mnt/sysimage/usr/local/bin/ chmod +x /mnt/sysimage/usr/local/bin/deploy-phyllome-desktop.sh # fetch custom script and make it executable wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PhyllomeOS/phyllomeos/main/post-first-startup-scripts/virtualization-tweaks-root-needed.sh -P /mnt/sysimage/usr/local/bin/ chmod +x /mnt/sysimage/usr/local/bin/virtualization-tweaks-root-needed.sh %end %post --nochroot --logfile=/mnt/sysimage/opt/base-hypervisor-intelcpu.log sed -i 's/\(quiet\)/\1 intel_iommu=on iommu=pt rd.driver.pre=vfio-pci/i' /mnt/sysimage/etc/default/grub # Load kernel modules in GRUB. echo "options kvm_intel nested=1" >> /mnt/sysimage/etc/modprobe.d/kvm.conf # Add support for nested-virtualization %end %post --nochroot --logfile=/mnt/sysimage/opt/base-hypervisor-intelgpu.log sed -i 's/\(vfio-pci\)/\1 i915.enable_gvt=1/i' /mnt/sysimage/etc/default/grub # Load kernel modules in grub. # Load extra kernel modules to enable vfio-mdev on selected hardware echo "kvmgt" > /mnt/sysimage/etc/modules-load.d/kvmgt.conf # Load specific kernel modules kvmgt and vfio-mdev, for Intel (tm) GVT-g and Nvidia (tm) echo "vfio-mdev" > /mnt/sysimage/etc/modules-load.d/vfio-mdev.conf # Load specific kernel modules kvmgt and vfio-mdev, for Intel (tm) GVT-g and Nvidia (tm) %end %packages --exclude-weakdeps @anaconda-tools @x86-baremetal-tools NetworkManager-wifi aajohan-comfortaa-fonts anaconda anaconda-install-env-deps anaconda-live chkconfig dejavu-sans-mono-fonts dracut-live firefox glibc-all-langpacks gnome-backgrounds.noarch gnome-shell gnome-terminal guestfs-tools initscripts kernel kernel-modules kernel-modules-extra libguestfs-tools libvirt libvirt-daemon-config-network libvirt-daemon-kvm mesa-dri-drivers mozilla-ublock-origin.noarch nano python3-libguestfs qemu-kvm virt-install virt-manager virt-top wpa_supplicant -device-mapper-multipath -fcoe-utils -gnome-tour %end