# Generated by pykickstart v3.32 #version=DEVEL # X Window System configuration information xconfig --defaultdesktop=GNOME --startxonboot # Keyboard layouts keyboard --xlayouts='ch (fr)' # Root password rootpw --iscrypted --lock locked # System language lang en_US.UTF-8 # Reboot after installation reboot --kexec # Use text mode install text # Network information network --bootproto=dhcp --device=link --hostname=phyllome --activate # Firewall configuration firewall --enabled # Use network installation url --mirrorlist="https://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=fedora-$releasever&arch=$basearch" repo --name="fedora" --mirrorlist=https://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=fedora-$releasever&arch=$basearch repo --name="updates" --mirrorlist=https://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=updates-released-f$releasever&arch=$basearch # System timezone timezone Europe/Paris --utc # SELinux configuration selinux --enforcing # System services services --disabled="sshd" --enabled="NetworkManager" # System bootloader configuration bootloader --location=mbr --timeout=1 # Clear the Master Boot Record zerombr # Partition clearing information clearpart --all --initlabel # Disk partitioning information part /boot/efi --fstype="efi" --size=128 --fsoptions="umask=0077,shortname=winnt" --label=efi part /boot --fstype="ext4" --size=384 --label=boot part / --fstype="ext4" --grow --label=root %post --logfile=/root/bmd.log localectl set-keymap ch-fr # Set keymap to `ch-fr`. Alternatively, `us` can be picked. dnf update -y # Update the system grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg # Update grub otherwise the system won't boot properly # In the %post section of the kickstart file, add the following as the first line. Probably useless : leaving this uncommented for the moment # See : https://www.opensourceforu.com/2010/01/roll-out-a-fedora-remix/ # sed -i -e 's/Generic release/LFY Fedora Remix/g' /etc/fedora-release /etc/issue %end %post --nochroot --logfile=/mnt/sysimage/root/bhmd.log mkdir /mnt/sysimage/var/lib/libvirt/iso # Create a directory to store iso images # virsh pool-create-as --name iso --type dir --target /mnt/sysimage/var/lib/libvirt/iso # Make libvirt aware of this new directory by creating a so-called 'pool' # doesn't work # Add a network bridge. Still need to declare it to virt-manager nmcli con add ifname br0 type bridge con-name br0 nmcli con add type bridge-slave ifname enp1s0 master br0 nmcli con up br0 %end %post --nochroot --logfile=/mnt/sysimage/root/bhimd.log sed -i 's/\(quiet\)/\1 intel_iommu=on iommu=pt rd.driver.pre=vfio-pci i915.enable_gvt=1/i' /mnt/sysimage/etc/default/grub # Load kernel modules in grub. # Load kernel modules by adding vfio, vfio_pci, vfio_iommu_type1, vfio_virqfd echo "vfio" > /mnt/sysimage/etc/modules-load.d/vfio.conf echo "vfio-pci" > /mnt/sysimage/etc/modules-load.d/vfio-pci.conf echo "vfio_iommu_type1" > /mnt/sysimage/etc/modules-load.d/vfio_iommu_type1.conf echo "vfio_virqfd" > /mnt/sysimage/etc/modules-load.d/vfio_virqfd.conf echo "kvmgt" > /mnt/sysimage/etc/modules-load.d/kvmgt.conf # Load specific kernel modules kvmgt and vfio-mdev, for Intel (tm) GVT-g and Nvidia (tm) echo "vfio-mdev" > /mnt/sysimage/etc/modules-load.d/vfio-mdev.conf # Load specific kernel modules kvmgt and vfio-mdev, for Intel (tm) GVT-g and Nvidia (tm) echo "options kvm_intel nested=1" >> /mnt/sysimage/etc/modprobe.d/kvm.conf # Add support for nested-virtualization dracut --add-drivers " vfio vfio-pci vfio_iommu_type1 vfio_virqfd vfio-mdev kvmgt " --force # Instruct dracut to load the vfio drivers dracut --force # Regenerate initramfs # Doesn't seem to work # dracut: Cannot find /usr/lib/dracut/dracut-init.sh. # dracut: Are you running from a git checkout? # dracut: Try passing -l as an argument to /mnt/sysimage/usr/bin/dracut grub2-mkconfig -o /mnt/sysimage/boot/grub2/grub.cfg # Update grub. Does it fail ? /usr/sbin/grub2-probe: error: failed to get canonical path of `LiveOS_rootfs'. %end %post --nochroot --logfile=/mnt/sysimage/root/dhimd.log # Create a file to autostart virt-manager cat > /mnt/sysimage/etc/xdg/autostart/virt-manager.desktop << EOF [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=Virtual Machine Manager Exec=virt-manager EOF # Download netboot.xyz # cannot resolve hostname # wget https://boot.netboot.xyz/ipxe/netboot.xyz.iso -P /var/lib/libvirt/iso/ %end %packages --exclude-weakdeps @core dejavu-sans-mono-fonts elementary-wallpapers-gnome.noarch fedora-remix-logos generic-logos generic-release generic-release-common generic-release-notes gnome-initial-setup gnome-shell gnome-terminal guestfs-tools libguestfs-tools libvirt libvirt-daemon-config-network libvirt-daemon-kvm nano neofetch pciutils python3-libguestfs qemu-guest-agent qemu-kvm spice-vdagent virt-install virt-manager virt-top wget wpa_supplicant -fedora-logos -fedora-release -fedora-release-common -fedora-release-identity-basic -fedora-release-notes -gnome-tour %end