#!/bin/bash # Deploy a virtual machine with `virt-install` and automatically install a minimal shell environment on a 5G disk. # GPU and CPU agnostic configuration. virt-install \ --connect qemu:///system \ --metadata description="Spice with OpenGL. Minimal server environment. Based on Fedora Server 35" \ --os-variant detect=off \ --virt-type kvm \ --arch x86_64 \ --machine q35 \ --name minimal-server \ --boot uefi \ --cpu host-model,topology.sockets=1,topology.cores=1,topology.threads=1 \ --vcpus 1 \ --memory 512 \ --video virtio \ --graphics spice,gl.enable=yes,listen=none \ --channel spicevmc \ --channel unix,target.type=virtio,target.name=org.qemu.guest_agent.0 \ --autoconsole none \ --console pty,target.type=virtio \ --sound none \ --network type=default,model=virtio \ --controller type=virtio-serial \ --controller type=usb,model=none \ --controller type=scsi,model=virtio-scsi \ --input type=keyboard,bus=virtio \ --input type=tablet,bus=virtio \ --memballoon none \ --rng /dev/urandom,model=virtio \ --disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/virtual-server.img,format=raw,bus=virtio,cache=writeback,size=5 \ --location=https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/35/Everything/x86_64/os/ \ --extra-args="inst.ks=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PhyllomeOS/phyllomeos/main/dishes/virtual-server.cfg"