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2021-11-12 15:31:16 +00:00
title: Context
published: true
date: 2021-11-12T15:31:13.657Z
editor: markdown
dateCreated: 2021-11-12T15:31:13.657Z
2021-11-15 15:26:10 +00:00
# []{#anchor-24}Phyllome OS
## []{#anchor-25}Context
### []{#anchor-26}Public clouds and open source software
Public clouds provide on-demand computing resources over the Internet.
The largest are called hyperscalers.
Almost all hyperscalers, at the notable exception of Microsoft Azure, ,
depend on open-source software[^19] to support their platform[^20]. Put
simply, without open-source software, they wouldn't exist, at least not
in their current form[^21].
In particular, the Linux operating system and its Kernel-based Virtual
Machine (KVM) module are two basic, essential, open-source building
blocks upon which these hyperscalers are built.
These providers also add their own custom software to the core engine
that propels their platform[^22]. Unfortunately, this custom software
remains for internal use only[^23].
Isn't there an equivalent to these custom building blocks available for
everyone to reuse ?
### []{#anchor-27}The rise of robust general-purpose hypervisors
Rust-vmm (or Rust-Virtual Machine Monitor) is an ongoing effort among
software and hardware companies, including some hyperscalers, to share
more of their codebase. Rust-vmm provides a platform to share reusable
virtualization-related code by means of Rust-crates[^24].
As of 2021, this project offers the closest open-source equivalent to
the aforementioned custom software used by hyperscalers.
At least three key projects using Linux and KVM are also taking
advantage of Rust-vmm :
- crosvm (2010 --)
- Crosvm means the Chrome OS Virtual Machine Monitor. It allows
the virtualization of guest systems on devices running Chrome OS
and Chromium OS, its open-source counterpart. It is the oldest
project of its kind, upon which others are built or forked.
- The ongoing Spectrum (2020) project is a promising attempt to
built a secure desktop OS around Chromium OS, crosvm and the Nix
declarative package management system.
- firecracker (2018 --)
- Originally built for desktop systems, crosvm has also been
reused as a foundation for firecracker, the serverless computing
platform which powers AWS Lambda. This is a story not unlike
that of KVM, which was originally built with desktop workloads
in mind but later gained traction as a solution for other
- Cloud Hypervisor (2019 --)
- Cloud Hypervisor may be considered as the spiritual successor to
the now-defunct NEMU project. NEMU provided a stripped-down
version of QEMU [^25].
- Contrary to crosvm and projects that rely on it, it is possible
to run non-Linux virtual guest systems on Cloud Hypervisor,
provided that they support UEFI.
- As of today, there is no desktop-oriented operating system
intended to take advantage of Cloud Hypervisor.
----------------------------- -------- ------------- ------------------
crosvm firecracker Cloud Hypervisor
KVM Yes Yes Yes
Desktop-friendly Yes No No
Support for non-Unix guests No No Yes
----------------------------- -------- ------------- ------------------
Until recently, any attempt to create a local-first, free and
open-source operating system that could run atop affordable,
virtualization-friendly hardware[^26] using basic building blocks
similar to those used by major public clouds would rightfully be met
with skepticism.
Thanks to the rust-vmm umbrella project, assembling such an operating
system is now becoming a possibility.
## []{#anchor-28}Description
### []{#anchor-29}Phyllome OS
Phyllome OS intends to tap into some modern software- and
hardware-related innovations used in the cloud and make them available
to a wider audience locally: to bring some of the cloud back home, so to
speak, with a focus on performance and usability. As an operating
system, Phyllome OS makes it easier to run virtual machines locally
using off-the-shelf hardware : it is designed from the ground up to be
easy[^27]-and safe[^28]-to-use.
Technically speaking, Phyllome OS is an attempt to port the Cloud
Hypervisor to desktop systems[^29].
Conceptually, Phyllome OS can be thought of in several ways : as a
wrapper around operating systems that use a Graphical User Interface
(GUI), just as Docker is, among other things,a headless wrapper around
GUI-less containers ; as an abstraction between the hardware and the
operating system; as a local-first appliance or sandbox whose sole
purpose is to run general computing operating systems using
hardware-assisted virtualization, and hopefully run them well ; or as
just another attempt to bring Linux back to the desktop, albeit more
covertly this time.
As with popular existing operating systems, Phyllome OS is designed to
be installed on a single machine or host. Contrary to existing operating
systems, it abstracts the physical layer away, allowing diverse
operating systems to run concurrently on the same machine if the user so
### []{#anchor-30}The Phyllome OS Project
The Phyllome Project aims to build a community around open source
virtualization and to make the development of Phyllome OS sustainable.
The project relies on self-hosted open source software.