--- title: Tasks description: published: true date: 2022-07-28T00:24:18.884Z tags: editor: markdown dateCreated: 2021-11-13T11:40:46.114Z --- # Go further ## Install a guest operating system *Although Phyllome OS thrives to pick good defaults that will work for many guest systems, further optimizations may be needed.* A guest operating system can be installed in different ways, such as using the installer on an ISO image or automatically through Internet, using `virt-install`. ### Unix-like * [Install](/gofurther/install-guest) a Linux guest system using an ISO file * [Automatically deploy](/gofurther/virt-install) an RPM-based guest system with `virt-install` and a kickstart file ### Windows NT * [Install ReactOS](/gofurther/reactos) ### Darwin-based * *To-do* ## Tasks related to Phyllome OS *The section is meant to introduce how to execute particular tasks on Phyllome OS. Some of these tasks will be rendered obsolete with newer Phyllome OS versions.* * [Perform a few checks](/gofurther/checks) on Phyllome OS * [Resize](/gofurther/resize) an existing virtual disk * [Configure](/gofurther/vfio-mdev) Virtual Function I/O Mediated devices (vfio-mdev) * [Encrypt](/gofurther/encrypt) the directory that contains virtual disks for your current user * [Hack](/gofurther/hack) and develop Phyllome OS --- *[**Go back to homepage**](/)*