--- title: Tasks description: published: true date: 2023-05-14T19:48:00.758Z tags: editor: markdown dateCreated: 2021-11-13T11:40:46.114Z --- # Go further *The section is meant to introduce how to execute particular tasks on Phyllome OS.* * [Perform a few checks](/gofurther/checks) on Phyllome OS * [Resize](/gofurther/resize) an existing virtual disk * [Encrypt](/gofurther/encrypt) a directory containing virtual disk images * [Share a directory](/gofurther/virtiofs) with a guest using `virtiofs` * [Share an input device](/gofurther/evdev) with a guest using `evdev` * [Configure](/gofurther/vfio-mdev) `vfio-mdev` * [Hack](/gofurther/hack) and develop Phyllome OS --- *[**Go back to homepage**](/)*