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Chipset true 2023-10-15T14:29:39.629Z markdown 2021-11-13T11:56:47.463Z

Virtual chipsets

Just as with physical computers, virtual machines are built around a central chipset.

These virtual chipsets are routinely updated. If no version of a chipset is defined, it is the latest that will be used.

There are three main chipsets, i440fx, Q35 and the more recent virt.


i440fx Q35 virt
Firmware SeaBIOS / OVMF SeaBIOS / OVMF Modified OVMF / RHF
PS/2 devices Yes Yes No
USB Controller Yes Yes No
SATA Controller No Yes No
IDE Controller Yes No No
Floppy Controller Yes No No
TPM Support No Yes No?
PCI-Express Bus No Yes Yes
PCI Bus Yes No? No?
Virtual Function I/O No Yes Yes

The i440fx and Q35 chipsets are currently supported by Phyllome OS. Early support for the virt model is expected for the Beta version {.is-info}

Available chipsets for virtual machines


The i440fx virtual chipset is a legacy chipset, compatible with PCI.


The Q35 virtual chipset is based on a modern chipset, compatible with PCI-Express.

Did you know that the Open Virtual Machine Firmware (OVMF), which is based on TianoCore, is the default firmware for EFI-based virtual machines? Its configuration utility can be accessed using the Esc key. {.is-info}


The TianoCore splash screen


The virt virtual chipset is the most modern chipset, compatible with PCI-Express. It only supports virtio-devices.


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