
  • Home Front page of the libvirt website
  • News Details of new features and bugs fixed in each release
    • Changelog Latest commit messages from the source repository
  • Downloads Get the latest source releases, binary builds and get access to the source repository
  • Documentation Information for users, administrators and developers
    • Deployment Information about deploying and using libvirt
    • Architecture Overview of the logical subsystems in the libvirt API
      • Domains Managing virtual machines
      • Network Providing isolated networks and NAT based network connectivity
      • Storage Managing storage pools and volumes
      • Node Devices Enumerating host node devices
    • XML format Description of the XML formats used in libvirt
    • Drivers Hypervisor specific driver information
      • Xen Driver the Xen hypervisor
      • QEMU / KVM Driver for QEMU, KQEMU, KVM and Xenner
      • Linux Container Driver for the Linux native container API
      • Test Psuedo-driver simulating APIs in memory for test suites
      • Remote Driver providing secure remote to the libvirt APIs
      • OpenVZ Driver for the OpenVZ container technology
      • Storage Driver for the storage management APIs
    • API reference Reference manual for the C public API
      • libvirt core interfaces for the libvirt library
      • virterror error handling interfaces for the libvirt library
      • Driver support matrix of API support per hypervisor per release
    • Language bindings Bindings of the libvirt API for other languages
      • Python overview of the python API bindings
      • Java overview of the Java API bindings
  • Wiki User contributed content
  • FAQ Frequently asked questions
  • Bug reports How and where to report bugs and request features
  • Contact How to contact the developers via email and IRC
  • Related Links Miscellaneous links of interest related to libvirt
    • Applications Overview of applications using the libvirt APIs
  • Sitemap Overview of all content on the website