Reporting bugs and getting help

There is a mailing-list for libvirt, with an on-line archive. Please subscribe to this list before posting by visiting the associated Web page and follow the instructions. Patches with explanations and provided as attachments are really appreciated and will be discussed on the mailing list. If possible generate the patches by using cvs diff -u in a CVS checkout.

We use Red Hat Bugzilla to track bugs and new feature requests to libvirt. If you want to report a bug or ask for a feature, please check the existing open bugs, then if yours isn't a duplicate of an existing bug, log a new bug and attach any patch or extra data that you may have available. It is always a good idea to also to post to the mailing-list too, so that everybody working on the project can see it, thanks !

Some of the libvirt developpers may be found on IRC on the OFTC network. Use the settings:

  • server:
  • port: 6667 (the usual IRC port)
  • channel: #virt

But there is no guarantee that someone will be watching or able to reply, use the mailing-list if you don't get an answer there.