The current implementation requires users to configure the preference as such: -Dfirewall_backend_default_1=iptables -Dfirewall_backend_default_2=nftables In addition to being more verbose than one would hope, there are several things that could go wrong. First of all, meson performs no validation on the provided values, so mistakes will only be caught by the compiler. Additionally, it's entirely possible to provide nonsensical combinations, such as repeating the same value twice. Change things so that the preference can now be configured as such: -Dfirewall_backend_priority=iptables,nftables Checks have been added to prevent invalid values from being accepted. Signed-off-by: Andrea Bolognani <> Reviewed-by: Laine Stump <> Reviewed-by: Pavel Hrdina <>
Libvirt API for virtualization
Libvirt provides a portable, long term stable C API for managing the virtualization technologies provided by many operating systems. It includes support for QEMU, KVM, Xen, LXC, bhyve, Virtuozzo, VMware vCenter and ESX, VMware Desktop, Hyper-V, VirtualBox and the POWER Hypervisor.
For some of these hypervisors, it provides a stateful management daemon which runs on the virtualization host allowing access to the API both by non-privileged local users and remote users.
Layered packages provide bindings of the libvirt C API into other languages including Python, Perl, PHP, Go, Java, OCaml, as well as mappings into object systems such as GObject, CIM and SNMP.
Further information about the libvirt project can be found on the website:
The libvirt C API is distributed under the terms of GNU Lesser
General Public License, version 2.1 (or later). Some parts of the code
that are not part of the C library may have the more restrictive GNU
General Public License, version 2.0 (or later). See the files
for full license
terms & conditions.
Instructions on building and installing libvirt can be found on the website:
The libvirt project welcomes contributions in many ways. For most components the best way to contribute is to send patches to the primary development mailing list. Further guidance on this can be found on the website:
The libvirt project has two primary mailing lists:
- (for user discussions)
- (for development only)
Further details on contacting the project are available on the website: