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Share a host directory with a guest using virtiofs true 2023-01-24T16:27:16.582Z markdown 2022-08-13T00:16:17.437Z

Sharing a directory

As of January 2023, virtio-fs is only available for virtual machines managed by the system libvirt instance (qemu:///system) {.is-info}

As of January 2023, virtio-fs does not feature a read-only mode. Do not share a host directory with a untrusted guest. {.is-warning}

Virtio-fs, shorts for virtio shared filesystem, allows you to share a directory located on the host with a guest. It is designed to be fast and optimized for local usage, when the host and the guest are located on the same physical machine.

The guest

Edit XML configuration

  • Memory backing needs to be added to the XML definition:
<domain type="kvm">
        <source type="memfb"/>
        <access mode="shared/>"
  • A filesystem device has to be added.
<domain type="kvm">
        <filesystem type="mount" accessmode="passthrough">
            <driver type="virtiofs"/>
            <source dir="/mnt/"> # The host directory to be shared with the guest
            <target dir="share"/> # Contrary to what the name implies, this is the tag used inside the guest

Mount the folder inside the guest

  • Inside the guest VM, mount the folder using the following commmand to mount the /mnt host directory on the guest, using also the /mnt point:

# mount -t virtiofs share /mnt/
