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Get started with Phyllome OS true 2021-11-23T13:33:26.183Z markdown 2021-11-13T11:37:31.498Z

How to use Phyllome OS daily

This section explains how to further configure Phyllome OS, and how to deploy your favorite operating system within it.

Post-installation configuration

After Phyllome OS has been successfully installed and the first-launch process has been completed, a few tasks are required before it can be used to its fullest potential.

As Phyllome OS evolves, one of the main goal is to shorten the time it would take for an end-user to have a fully operational virtual machine loaded with the installer of their favorite operating system, to the point that a user may not see the Phyllome OS environnement at all. {.is-info}

Grant the current user the ability to manage virtual machines

Any new user, including the one that has been created during the first-launch set up, won't be part of the libvirt group. It means that it won't be able to manage the qemu:///system, which runs libvirt as root.

To avoid a password prompt each time the Virtual Machine Manager is launched, you can add the current user to the libvirt by using the following command, in the terminal:

sudo usermod -a -G libvirt $(whoami)

A known bug affects the terminal: extra spaces between letters. To solve it, click on the burger menu (three stacked horizontal lines) then go to Preferences > Profiles > Unnamed and check the box called Custom font. {.is-warning}

Run a few scripts

During the installation process, a few scripts got fetched. They need to be run to further customize Phyllome OS.

What to do next

  • Create a virtual machine
    • manually, using virt-manager (default)
    • automatically, using virt-install (for power users)
  • Install your favorite guest operating system inside this virtual machine
    • manually, using the installer provided by the editor of your favorite operating system
    • automatically, using a kickstart file, for compatible guest systems

Are you looking for tasks to do with your system? If so, have a look at doing some suggested tasks