2021-11-21 11:46:39 +00:00

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Phyllome OS sticks with a USB thumb drive true 2021-11-21T11:46:36.965Z markdown 2021-11-13T11:34:07.852Z

Section under construction {.is-warning}

Create an installation medium

In this section, you will learn how to download Phyllome OS and how to create a live medium that will allow you to boot it from a thumb drive.

If you intent to install Phyllome OS permanently on your computer, please use a Fedora Server ISO instead {.is-info}

Download Phyllome OS

The Phyllome OS ISOs files are made available on GitHub.

As of now, only the Phyllome OS Desktop II edition is available as an ISO file. The II edition is tuned for Intel CPUs and Intel GPUs. It is also known as ldhi, for live, desktop, hypervisor, and intel.

As of now, there is no checksum available, and the release is not signed using GPG keys. Among other things, it means that there is no garanty about the authenticity of the file or its integrity, whatsoever. Alternatively, a safer is to deploy Phyllome OS in a virtual machine or to deploy it directly on a host using this method {.is-warning}

How to put it on a USB Stick

The following instructions may have to be adapted depending on the operating system that you are currently using.

  • General requirements
    • A fast USB 3.0 flash drive
    • 2 GB

Command-line instructions: flash a USB disk using the dd command line tool on Linux

The next command assumes that the ISO file is available in the Downloads folder and that the target medium is called sdz. You can identify the correct target device using the lsblk command line tool. Modify the command according to your context.

This command will destroy any data on the target device {.is-warning}

This command requires root privileges {.is-info}

dd bs=4MB if=~/Downloads/phyllome-live_ldhi_v0.2.0-alpha_x86_64.iso of=/dev/sdz

Manual instructions: flash a USB disk using Etcher

The instructions are designed with Etcher in mind

Etcher is an open-source, cross platform tool for flashing images to a target medium. It is developped and made available by balena. {.is-info}

  • Download Etcher

You can download Etcher on the official website.

Pick the right version depending on your platform.

  • Install it

Follow the normal procedure to install an application on your computer.

An account with administrator rights will be needed. {.is-info}

  • Use it

When you are done, please go to the section Install from a live medium